Tag Archives: thinking

Thinking about thinking – a metacognitive moment

Thinking.  That’s something that we generallyThinking see as a good thing.  “I’ll have to think about that” is a respected way of responding to a new idea or a new situation.  Used to be that my thinking was directed in a number of ways; I’d think about things related to education and my work, I’d think about things related to how we live on the earth, I’d think about the dynamics among people struggling to find their way.  Of course, added to that is the time spent in thinking about life and what I need – and what my friends and family need … not necessarily in that order – to feel good about each day.  I’ve often been accused of over-thinking (I don’t think I’ll even pause to figure out what that could possibly mean) and I will admit that it’s pretty true that I have a high need to figure things out;  to delve into the whys and the whats of human interactions and his/herstories.  Yes, indeed, although it doesn’t always make me happy I do like to think. Continue reading